Legal information: I assume no liability for tips and links. You act completely on your own responsibility and also inform yourself about all the steps on your own responsibility.

Why you should care about NFT Photography.

Explore the world of unique art with my NFT photographs. As a professional photographer, I gradually bring my best works into the fascinating world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to offer collectors and art lovers an unparalleled experience.

Uniqueness: Each of my NFT photographs is a one-of-a-kind or limited piece authenticated through blockchain technology. You'll own exclusive artworks that cannot be replicated anywhere else.

Investment Potential: NFTs offer an exciting opportunity to invest in the art world. By purchasing my NFT photographs, you not only have the potential to benefit from the appreciation of your collection but also the opportunity to monetize your investment by reselling the photographs at a later time. This flexibility allows you to capitalize on the dynamics of the art market while enjoying the unique beauty and originality of my art.

Authenticity and Transparency: Blockchain technology ensures the authenticity and transparency of every transaction. You can rest assured that your investment is secure and protected while enjoying the art in its purest form.

Global Reach: As an NFT artist, I have access to various NFT marketplaces that offer global reach. No matter where you are, you can explore and acquire my artworks without limitations imposed by geographical boundaries.

Direct Support for the Artist: By purchasing my NFT photographs, you're directly supporting me as an artist. A fair price directly benefits me as the artist, and I also benefit from a sales commission upon resale (second market). This enables me to sustain my livelihood and continue my artistic work.

Interactive Experiences: Some of my NFT photographs offer interactive elements that surpass traditional artworks. From animated sequences to augmented reality experiences, you can immerse yourself in the fascinating world of my photographs and discover new dimensions of art.

Discover the endless possibilities of NFT art and enrich your collection with my unique photographs. Dive into a world of creativity, innovation, and exclusivity – start your NFT art journey today.

What does NFT mean?

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. In the realm of photography, an NFT allows the photographer to document their work and themselves as the creator on the blockchain, as well as the sale price, edition (number of available images), and subsequent resales and their buyers. This uniqueness and immutability are ensured by blockchain technology, which tracks every transaction and ownership of the image. Thus, the works are documented as unique digital artworks.


Can I also buy the photo normally with money?

Unfortunately no. Protecting the photo as an NFT only works if it is purchased through the NFT marketplace. This is the only way the actions are documented in the blockchain and this is the only way the photographer receives the commission in the event of a resale.

Why are the photographs on different marketplaces?

On the NFT marketplace “foundation” you can only offer 1/1 editions, and the fees for the payment method “Etherium” are very high. "Foundation" is therefore only worthwhile for high-priced works. “Objkt” and “Exchange” offer more sales options and are cheaper. Of course, an all-encompassing NFT marketplace where you might also be able to pay with normal currency would be more practical, but unfortunately that doesn't exist yet. There are many other NFT marketplaces, I have currently chosen these three.

What rights do I have to a purchased NFT photo?

The most important thing: The photographer always remains the author of the work. When you purchase an NFT, only the usage rights are sold. The conditions (type of use, naming of the author) are determined by the author and are stated on the sales page of the work.
When you buy an NFT photo, you are the owner. You can collect it, you can offer it yourself on the same marketplace at a higher price - i.e. earn money. Be sure to pay attention to the amount of commission for the author and don't sell it too cheaply! Of course, if you sell the NFT photo again, it no longer belongs to you. So you can no longer use it and are no longer allowed to own it (e.g. the file). Sales outside of the NFT marketplace are prohibited. It is also forbidden for you to pretend to be the author or to reproduce and sell the photo.

What's an edition?

The photographer as the author decides how he wants to sell the photo. As a high-priced 1/1 edition, the photo is only sold once as an original in the offered version (e.g. size, design). So there are only two owners: the photographer as the creator and the NFT buyer. Only the one sold work is in circulation. With a (e.g.) 10/10 edition, 10 copies of the photo (in the version) are for sale. Once the 10 pieces have been sold, the photographer is not allowed to put this version up for sale again. However, the buyers of the photos can offer the purchased NFT for sale on the “secondary market” of the NFT marketplace themselves at their price. Editions with a higher number of individual items are usually cheaper than 1/1 editions.

What facilities do I need?

Yes, admittedly everything sounds complicated at first. But once you have everything set up, buying and selling NFT photographs is relatively easy.
You need a crypto wallet first. This is a digital wallet in which you store your cryptocurrency and make transactions.
If you have multiple currencies, you may also need multiple wallets, e.g.:

Important: Write down or print out the “seed phrase” of your wallet! Don't give the seed phrase to anyone, even if they ask you to!

After installing the wallet, you need to purchase the cryptocurrency you need. You can get these through online crypto banks. Create an account there, transfer real currency to the account, and then purchase the cryptocurrency you need. You then transfer the purchased cryptocurrency to your corresponding wallet. Then you can log in to the NFT marketplaces, create an account and sell and buy NFTs.

Further information

What are the conversion rates for cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies fluctuate wildly. It is advisable to buy when the price is low. You can buy cryptocurrency for any amount.

Etherium    Solana    Tezos

What are the fees?

So-called “gas fees” apply to all transactions on the blockchains. These vary between blockchains and also depend on demand over time. For Etherium it is on weekdays between midnight to 4 AM (EST) or Saturday / Sunday from 2AM to 3AM (EST). The gas fee is displayed in the wallet before a transaction.
Fees may also apply when minting, buying and selling on the NFT marketplaces.

Safety instructions

Store the login and seed phrase of your wallets in a safe place. Without this you can no longer restore your wallet and everything is lost. NEVER share your login and NEVER the seed phrase - with anyone! Only buy and sell via the NFT marketplace where the NFT is listed. Never allow yourself to be seduced by promises that are too high. E.g. offers to buy multiple NFTs as a bundle for a crazy high amount. Don't trust anyone who wants to handle this action externally, not even if a (supposed) moderator is involved or you have to scan any QR codes or you have to click on something first. These websites are fake. Be critical and careful when a prospect contacts you via email, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Don't click on anything, don't scan anything and only buy/sell through the NFT marketplace - unless maybe you're 100% knowledgeable and know what you're doing.



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